Senior Leadership Team

The Senior Leadership Team is responsible for setting the strategic direction of our school through our Vision and CLOAK. Starting a new school, we are in the unique position of being able to build a team of talented professionals. We are tasked with designing an innovative curriculum that prepares our learners for the future. The leadership team look forward to working with the staff, students and community to develop an inclusive school culture where learning is at the heart of what we do.
Teaching Team

Our teaching staff are involved in all aspects of our school life. They are learning advisors, collaborative module teachers and flight time engineers. Together our teachers will work collaboratively to design exciting learning experiences to meet our learners’ needs and enable them to soar. We have also listed the Iwi and Whānau area of each teacher.
Iwi Leaders/Inclusive Learning Leader
Specialist Curriculum Leaders - SCL
Kōkopu Iwi - Paepae Roa /Te Aho Tapu /Aho Rei
Raupō Iwi - Hukahuka/Pūreke/Ngoi
Hakawai Iwi - Whenu/Tāniko /Aho
Kapowai Iwi - Pūahi/Kahu Waero/Hauroko
Learning Support
Kaaingarua/Alternative Learning Programme
Support Staff

Senior Leadership Support
Administration Office / IT
Student Support - Kahui Rangatahi

IT System Engineer
Inclusive Learning Assistants - ILAs
Library Team
Sport/Art Team
Technicians - Food/Science/Hard Materials
Property Team

Staffroom Cleaner

Staffroom Cleaner
School Support Dogs

School Support Dog

School Support Dog