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Reporting @ RSHS

At Rototuna Senior High School we have a number of ways that we report to students and parents about the student’s progress and achievement so as to support our motto: for students to “Connect, Inspire, Soar”


There are 5 main ways that we communicate the progress your child is making with their learning and personal development at RSHS. This is through curriculum levels, CLOAK Values, NCEA results, Kaiārahi conferences and student owned Te ia o te awa/ learning story.

Te Ia o te Awa: The Learning Story

Students will evidence their learning and dispositional growth through their Learning Story.  The Criteria for their Learning Story is:

  • Electronic / transferable

  • Able to be shared with Kaiārahi and other key people (parents, teachers)

  • Open for comment / feedback

  • The Te ia o te awa/ Learning Story documents an understanding of the student’s on-going growth towards personal and academic excellence in relation to the CLOAK VALUES.

  • The Learning Story considers: How am I going? What am I doing?  Where to next?

Progress Reports From Module Teachers to students and Kaiārahi

Progress reports are completed in the middle of each semester. These reports are designed to give an indication of how students are going with their learning within their modules and what their next steps should be. The reports will indicate Curriculum levels and CLOAK Values. Kaiārahi and students will use these reports, and feedback from teachers to identify any issues or concerns regarding their learning. Kaiārahi will then place the conferencing notes in the KAMAR portal for in-depth and detailed feedback to students and whānau.


Student progress is reported against …..

Curriculum Levels

Student progress is reported against curriculum levels that align with Learning Area learning objectives as outlined in the New Zealand Curriculum.


This diagram shows how curriculum levels typically relate to years at school. Many students do not, however, fit this pattern. They include those with special learning needs, those who are gifted, and those who come from non English-speaking backgrounds. Students learning an additional language are also unlikely to follow the suggested progression: level 1 of the Curriculum is the entry level for those with no prior knowledge of the language being learned, regardless of their school year. We will report on what level they are at and also whether they are “early” or “at” the level.

(source: New Zealand Curriculum


Module teachers will also report against the CLOAK Values.

  • Challenge our mindset

  • Learning is connected

  • Ourselves as learners

  • Ako always

  • Kindness and respect

Students will be assessed as Always, mostly, sometimes or seldom showing these values.

Conferencing:  Student and Kaiārahi

The Kaiārahi will check in with their students on a regular basis to establish how they are going? What they are doing? And where to next?  At least once a term a student will Conference with their Kaiārahi to discuss their progress and their goals and the conference notes will be shared with parents via the KAMAR Parent Portal.  


56 Kimbrae Drive, Rototuna North, Hamilton, NZ, 3281

P.O. Box 21116, Rototuna, Hamilton, NZ, 3256

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Rototuna High Schools

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