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  • My child is going to be absent
    Please report all absences to the school (preferably before 8:30am on the day of the absence). If you are wanting to leave a phone message: please call (07) 8540541 - press 1 for Junior absentees and press 2 for Senior absences. If you are emailing: Junior High - please email Senior High - please email State clearly your child’s name and advisory class, reason why they are absent and the number of days they will be absent. Students who have been marked absent from class without an explanation from parents/caregivers will be marked with a ‘T’ for Truant. Absences are unjustified unless the student is too sick to attend school, has suffered a family bereavement or for National/International Sporting or Cultural representation. After three consecutive days of medical absence a medical certificate must be provided to the school. As per school policy, if a medical certificate is not produced the continued absence will be coded as explained but unjustified (E). Please DO NOT email your child's advisor for absence notices RHS Sick Student Guidelines
  • My child is going to be late to school
    If your child/ren is arriving late to school please notify absences (see question 1 for contact details). They must sign in and out at Student Services so their arrival and departure are noted in KAMAR.
  • My child has an appointment during school time
    If your child has an important appointment during class time please ensure you email your child’s advisor (the night before if possible) or send a signed note with your child so a ‘sign out’ pass can be issued. This needs to be done before the start of the school day. ​ Their LA will then provide them with an out of school pass to show their teachers when they need to leave class. The teacher will send the student to Student Services to sign out. For safety reasons we ask parents/caregivers to collect their child from the reception area. Students will not be permitted to leave class without prior notification unless it is an exceptional circumstance. Students will only be released into the care of a parent/caregiver listed on our database unless we have prior written notice from the parent/caregiver. Office staff are unable to go and find/collect your child if they are not at student services at the prearranged time or for an unscheduled pick up or if a last minute appointment is made.
  • My child has called me to say s/he is feeling sick
    When students are feeling unwell, they are to go to their teacher to get a sickbay referral. The nurse/first aider will then contact home if necessary. Students are NOT to contact their caregivers directly. Please do not come to collect your child unless you have heard from the school.
  • I want to take my child on a holiday during Term
    Whilst we acknowledge that some whānau/families plan their overseas travel / holidays during the school terms, as a school, we advise against it and to avoid this situation where at all possible as the Education Act does require children to attend school each day that it is open for tuition. Students will be experiencing teaching and learning as well as sitting various assessments throughout the duration of the year. An extended absence could have a detrimental impact on their learning and achievement. RHS does not endorse these leave decisions and you will not receive “permission” as such from the school. In the event of planned absence, we ask that you NOTIFY the school of your leave intentions by completing form below and contact your child's Learning Advisor as soon as possible to discuss a plan to support their learning and progress. Leave of Absence Form (NOT to be used for daily absences)
  • Illness
    Please keep unwell children at home to avoid spreading illness. Any student that has a tummy bug must be kept home for at least 24 hours AFTER symptoms cease. RHS Sick Student Guidelines
  • Office Drop Offs/Student Messages
    If you drop off an item for your child e.g. forgotten lunch, PE gear etc please ensure you message (via email) your child directly to collect it from Reception. Student email: (firstname)(lastname) As timetabled classes often move out of their designated area it is not practical for office staff to deliver goods or messages to students. Office staff can not guarantee that items will be received if students do not come and collect them.
  • Leavers - my child is leaving RHS
    If your child is leaving RHS for any reason, please ensure you notify the school in writing. Please email Junior High students must collect a leavers form from reception to be completed and signed by applicable staff and caregivers.
  • Lost Property
    Lost Property bins are located in each Hapu in the Junior School and at Student Services. Please encourage your child to look through all bins. Small valuable items are held at Student Services.
  • Urban Bus Routes
    There are a number of Waikato District Council bus services available in both the Flagstaff and Rototuna areas. Here are direct links to information about the local bus services: Rototuna Bus Services Flagstaff Bus Services Flagstaff North Bus Services Bee Card information Note that the Rototuna and Flagstaff services list Rototuna High Schools specific routes. These only operate during term time.
  • Rural Bus Routes
    For more information on rural bus routes, please click here - RURAL Buses
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