eLearning @ RJHS
At RJHS we want to encourage and enable learning that can happen anywhere, at anytime, and in a way that allows all learners to reach their highest potential. One of the many ways of achieving this is through e-Learning.
Student learning with devices will allow us, as a school, to develop digitally literate citizens who will be best placed for using technology in their worlds outside of school in a considered and responsible way.

Through the use of e-Learning devices, RJHS learners will have access to a wide range of learning tools. This will enable us to seek out and choose the best tools for every learning situation to meet the needs of a wide variety of learners. By having access to digital devices, our learners can have personalised learning programmes and share their learning with the world.
Based on consultation, research and experience, the RJHS leadership team made the decision to become a Google Suite school. This means we have the full range of Google Education products available to use in our teaching, learning and administration. The advantage of the Google suite is that it is accessible on all devices across all the different platforms (eg. Windows PC, Android, Apple).
The GAFE suite includes the following tools:
· Drive (with storage for every student)
· Classroom
· Docs
· Sites
· Sheets
· Slides
· Forms
· Blogger
Due to the nature and compatibility of GAFE tools, we have some device recommendations.
Suitable for maximizing learning:
Any wi-fi capable laptop or netbook less than 3 years old
E.g. HP Pavillion, Acer Aspire, Toshiba Satellite, Apple MacBook/Air, Chromebook, SurfacePro
Adequate, but with limited functionality:
Wi-fi capable tablets with detachable keyboards
E.g. iPads
Not suitable as a primary BYODevice:
Small hand-held devices
E.g. iPods and cellphones
Some other considerations:
Length of battery life:
Charging lockers will be available for use during the school day. However, battery life will need to extend through class times when the use of a device is required for class work. New batteries might be able to be purchased for older devices with degraded battery life.
Weight (mass) of device:
The size and weight of the device should be considered in terms of the added weight in the school bag.
Hard drive:
SSD (solid state hard drives) will last much longer than HDD hard drives.