Our Curriculum
Academic & Personal Excellence
Learning is founded in the New Zealand Curriculum and aims to create learning experiences that are relevant to each ākonga (student). Learning is designed to empower ākonga (students) to be connected,
collaborative and community minded. This is achieved through collaboration, whanaungatanga, personalised authentic learning experiences, creativity and innovation.
As a Senior School our curriculum is made up of three interconnected strands:
- Whānau | Advisory,
- Wānanga Ako | Specialist Learning and,
- Puna Wānanga | Impact Projects.
This model offers each ākonga (student) engaging learning opportunities to achieve academic and personal success. It provides a range of opportunities for authentic demonstration of learning, development of deep thinking and inquiry skills and tools for learning success.

Our kaupapa (purpose) in our Advisory Curriculum is to foster the holistic development of ākonga (students), to empower them to be
connected, collaborative, community-minded citizens inspired to soar.
In Whānau | Advisory we recognise that every student needs a strong sense of belonging and has an adult (Kaiārahi | Advisor) who will be a champion for your student’s learning success. The Kaiārahi will know your student’s strengths and work with them and with you to support their learning journey.
At RSHS we embrace the building of relationships and mentoring to further learning.
“Effective partnerships between school, parents and whānau ensure strong support for all students. The structure of the pastoral care system - iwi, kaiārahi and kaihautū, provides a multifaceted approach to supporting students. There are extensive opportunities for parents and whānau to engage with the school on the learning and progress of their child.” - ERO Report 2017

Wānanga Ako/Specialist Learning
Learning is delivered through integrated specialised subject Modules that provide coverage of the New Zealand Curriculum learning areas. These are delivered collaboratively by specialist kaiako (teachers) at the ppropriate curriculum level. Ākonga (students) select a range of modules that provide the depth and breadth of curriculum and wider topic coverage.
In Wānanga Ako | Specialist Learning our programmes of learning are founded in the New Zealand Curriculum and linked to the New Zealand Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA). Programmes are designed to create deep learning experiences that are delivered as specialist learning programmes and as integrated modules. This is where your young person will learn to think critically and creatively as they apply their knowledge to new and novel situations.
“Students have a high level of learner agency. Teachers actively seek student feedback, and use achievement information to inform planning and course design to better meet the needs and strengths of students.” - ERO Report 2017
Puna Wānanga/Impact Projects
In Puna Wānanga | Impact Projects your student will be given the opportunity to develop the future focussed skills they need as they work individually or in a team to manage a project from start to completion. Puna Wānanga projects offer your young person the chance to follow their passions in a way that is connected to our community and makes a difference in the world.