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Our Curriculum

Our curriculum model is made up of three connected elements: Advisory, Learning Modules and Flight Times (Year 9 and 10 only).

This model offers each ākonga (learner) engaging learning opportunities to achieve academic and personal success. It provides a range of opportunities for authentic demonstration of learning, development of deep thinking and inquiry skills and tools for learning success.

Personalised Learning

At Rototuna Junior High School we place ākonga (learners) at the centre of their learning with our expert kaiako (teachers) challenging and supporting them to achieve to their full potential across all areas of the curriculum.

Personalising learning means we respond to the individual learning needs of your child and foster their personal interests and strengths. This also involves exposing them to a wide range of new learning experiences and opportunities that inspire new passions. This approach motivates and engages ākonga (learners) more deeply as they learn how they contribute to their own success.

Our unique approach includes a caring, small-group environment and personal advisor structure, encouraging the development of independent learning skills through challenging and stimulating curriculum choices.

Learning Advisory

Each student will belong to an advisory group - one teacher will be their advisor or personal coach, for the duration of their time at RJHS. Advisors will work alongside students to set learning goals, monitor their progress, help students reflect on their learning and make wise choices. Teachers will establish strong partnerships with parents/caregivers of learners in their designated group. 

Learning Advisories will be Year 7-10 composite groups.


Learning Area Courses

Learning Modules are separated into individual Year Level cohorts.

Year 7 - 10 Learning Modules will integrate two Curriculum Learning Areas and be taught by two teachers.

All courses will foster deep learning and engagement, with meaningful connections across learning areas.

Flight Times

Flight times are an opportunity for Year 9 and 10 students to ensure they access a broad and balanced curriculum (have coverage of the eight learning areas) across the year, and also an opportunity for exploring new experiences, going deeper into subjects of interest and getting support with their learning.



Ahurea Time is used for fortnightly Iwi assemblies and our targeted Numeracy Programme. On one day per week, each of our 4 Iwi attend an assembly led by our Manukura and Wairua (student leaders). They have a particular focus each fortnight on school-wide expectations and whānaungatanga (relationships and belonging) and Ahurea (culture building). On the days the Iwi are not in assembly, Ahurea Time is used for Numeracy learning. In-depth data analysis of Mathematics results from our Learning Modules indicated that our students had strengths in deep understanding of Mathematics strands, but gaps in basic numeracy skills. These types of skills are best learned in short, regular sessions, with targeted (differentiated and leveled) direct teaching followed by practice and repetition. In 2021, we made the decision to use Ahurea Time for a Numeracy Learning Programme. 

Bilingual Unit - Ruma Reo Rua

Our Vision is for our tauira (students) to achieve success in a Te Ao Māori horopaki (context) in order to empower them to become connected, collaborative community learners inspired to SOAR. How they will achieve this is through our program, modelled off of the traditional bilingual unit, where all the curriculum subjects are taught (i.e. English, Maths, Health and PE etc) in a Te Ao Māori horopaki and with a strong Te Reo Māori component.

'Me ka moemoeā au, ko au anake. Me ka moemoea tātou, ka taea e tātou - If I were to dream alone, only I would benefit. If we were to dream

together, we could achieve anything'
- Princess Te Puea Herangi



Course Selection Booklet


56 Kimbrae Drive, Rototuna North, Hamilton, NZ, 3281

P.O. Box 21116, Rototuna, Hamilton, NZ, 3256

© Copyright 2016 by

Rototuna High Schools

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